Ping pong, also called table tennis, is a fun game that is easy to play but hard to master. You use small paddles to hit a lightweight ball back and forth across a table divided by a net. The goal is to make the ball land on your opponent’s side of the table in a way they can’t return it. It’s similar to tennis but played on a table instead of a big court.
This game has been around for a long time, starting in England in the early 1900s. Over time, it became popular all over the world. In fact, ping pong is now an Olympic sport, and people play it in everything from friendly matches to big competitions like the World Championships.
One of the best parts of ping pong is forming a team with your friends. A cool team name can make your group stand out, whether you’re playing just for fun or in serious tournaments. In this article, you’ll find over 205 of the best Ping Pong Team Names. From funny names to strong and clever ones, you’ll find plenty of ideas that will make your team memorable.
If you’re excited to see more, keep reading below!
The Best Ping Pong Team Names
- Block Busters
- Fast Feet
- In The Zone – This name is also part of our netball team names list.
- Match Makers
- Pong Prodigies
- Racket Wreckers
- Serve & Protect
- Serving Stars
- Turning Tables
- AeroDynamos
- Block Party
- Fire Ballers – This name is also part of our basketball team names list.
- Leaving It All On The Table
- Net Gains
- Ponginators
- Rapid Fire
- Serve Savants
- Smash Masters
- Unmatchables
- Ambidextrous
- Bouncing Ballers
- Heavy Hitters
- Lethal Lobbers – This name is also part of our dodge team names list.
- No Mercy
- Power Players
- Return Rulers
- Serve Squad
- Smash Symphony
- Wrecking Balls – This name is also part of our golf team names list.
- Ball Blasters
- Canniballs
- Hit & Run – This name is also part of our couple team names list.
- Lob Legends – This name is also part of our bocce team names list.
- Ping It On
- Quick Reflexes
- Right Or Pong
- Serve-ivors
- Smashers
- Zig & Zag
- Big Hitters
- Chop Sticks
- Hot Shots
- Master Servers
- Pong Pals
- Racket Scientists
- Score Settlers
- Serving Sensations
- Spin Masters
Funny Table Tennis Team Names
- Balls Of Fury
- Casual Sets
- Court Jesters
- Double Shots
- Hit Talkers
- Nutshots
- Overserved
- Served Hot & Fresh
- Smashaholics
- Target Practice
- Thigh’s The Limit
- You’ve Been Served
- Backhanded Compliments
- Balls Out
- Causing A Racket
- Court’s In Session
- Get A Grip
- Hit This
- Oddballs
- Phony-Ballonies
- Serves You Right – This name is also part of our volleyball team names list.
- Sweat Storm
- Team Whiff
- Total Meltdown
- Ball Busters
- Bally McBallface
- Chafing The Dream
- Crotch Shots
- Get Smashed
- Liar, Liar, Arms On Fire
- One-Hit Wonders – This name is also part of our soccer team names list.
- Racketeers
- Serving Up Trouble
- Sweatbands
- The B-Team
- Underrated Underdogs
- Ball Crushers
- Body Shots
- Chop Til’ You Drop
- Disqualified – This name is also part of our fishing team names list.
- Having A Ball
- No Hit Sherlock
- Out Of Breath
- Scared Hitless
- Slow Reactions
- Swing And A Miss
- The Crampers
- Wacker Smackers
- Ball Of Fame
- Bounce Backers
- Comeback Kids
- Don’t Sweat It
- Hit For Brains
- No Pong Intended
- Out-Of-Bounders
- See You In Court
- Smash & Dash
- Table Flippers
- The Soft Serves – This name is also part of our softball team names list.
- We’d Hit That
Names For Women Ping Pong Teams
- Court Queens
- Girls On Fire
- Mama Bears
- Multitaskers
- Procreators
- Sets In The City
- Slick Chicks
- Vixens
- Ballerinas
- Dangerous Divas
- Hell On Heels
- Maternal Instincts
- No Man’s Land
- Queen Bees
- She Devils
- Sweaty Betty’s
- Baller Angels
- Femme Fatale
- Here To Slay
- Mean Girls
- Pong Princesses
- Queens Of The Court
- Simply Smashing
- Sweet & Sassy
- Beauty Ballers
- Flower Power
- Hot Flashes
- Mighty Moms
- Pong Thongs
- Savage Sisters
- Sister Squad
- Wonder Women
- Chop Chicks
- Girl Fusion
- Lethal Ladies
- Miss Hits
- Pretty In Pink
- Serving Sirens
- Slay Sisters
- Victorious Secret – This name is also part of our fantasy football team names list.
Men’s Table Tennis Team Names
- Bro Code
- Forehand Fellas
- Knights In Shining Shorts
- Mr. Rights
- Swing Kings
- Average Joes
- Chop Champs
- Geeks In Sneaks
- Lob Lads
- Shy Guys
- Backhand Buddies
- Court Kings
- Gentlemen Of The Court
- Man Babies
- Serve Samurai
- Bad Boyz
- Doubles Dads
- Hitmen
- Match Men
- Serving Seniors
- Ball Bosses
- Drive Dudes
- Kings Of The Court
- Men Of Pong
- Stud Muffins
Pop Culture Ping Pong Team Names
- Ball Me Maybe
- Cheech & Pong
- Lords Of The Pings
- Pingin’ in the Rain
- Risky Ballness
- The Ping Bang Theory
- Baby’s Got Backhand
- Ball Of Duty
- Don’t Stop Ballieving
- Ping Crosby
- Pong Fiction
- Smashing Pumpkins
- The Ping Panthers
- Backhand & Lobbin
- Ball-E
- Drop It Like It’s Shot
- Ping Floyd
- Pong Patrol
- Stranger Pings
- Backspin To The Future
- Beastie Balls
- Ping Kong
- Pong Solo
- Super Smash Bros
- To Infinity & Bepong
- Ball In The Family
- Better Call Pong
- King Pong
- Ping Me Up, Scotty
- Racket Ralph
- Terminetters
- Untouchaballs
Thank you for exploring our list of Ping Pong Team Names. We hope you found just the right name that matches your team’s vibe and spirit. Remember, a good team name not only adds a layer of fun but can also bring your team closer together. Have a great time at your next ping pong match, and may your team play as brilliantly as your team name suggests!
What are popular table tennis team names?
Popular table tennis team names often include wordplay and humor. Names like “Spin Doctors” and “Net Results” are catchy and reflect the fun nature of the sport, making them great choices for both amateur and competitive teams.
How to pick a ping pong team name for a tournament?
When picking a ping pong team name for a tournament, consider using strong, competitive words like “Ace Attackers” or “Table Titans.” These names can convey your team’s serious approach and competitive spirit, helping you stand out in the lineup.
Why should a ping pong team name be memorable?
A memorable ping pong team name helps in building a distinct identity and can aid in creating a lasting impression at tournaments. Memorable names like “Paddle Prowess” or “Rally Raiders” make your team more recognizable and can enhance team spirit.
Do creative ping pong names impact team dynamics?
Yes, creative ping pong names can positively impact team dynamics by fostering a sense of unity and fun. Names like “Pong Pirates” or “Globe Spinners” can add a playful element to team interactions, boosting morale and making every game more enjoyable.